April 11, 2008

VIRGINIA– Today, April 11, 2008, was the scheduled release date of Dr. Sami Al-Arian, according to the U.S. government, but he remains in prison. Earlier today, Dr. Al-Arian was transferred out of the custody
of the Bureau of Prisons into the custody of immigration authorities.
One of the terms of the plea agreement Dr. Al-Arian signed in April
2006 required the government to facilitate his immediate deportation.
The government must finally honor its agreement.

Today also marks the 40th day of Dr. Al-Arian’s hunger strike, which
he began on Mar. 3 to protest the government’s continued attempts to
prolong his incarceration indefinitely. He has lost 34 pounds and has
experienced dizzy spells and extreme exhaustion in recent days. For
the first 18 days, Dr. Al-Arian drank no water. He is determined to
continue his hunger strike until he is allowed to leave the country
and rejoin his wife and children.

On the day of Dr. Al-Arian’s scheduled release, the Tampa Bay
Coalition for Justice and Peace asks that the U.S. government not take
any further action against him. Dr. Al-Arian and his family have
suffered years of vicious media attacks, government oppression and
political prosecution. It is time to stop wasting taxpayer dollars on
prosecuting a man who was vindicated by a jury two and a half years ago.


Given that Dr. Al-Arian has been on a hunger strike since March 3,
2008 we urgently ask all conscientious and justice-seeking individuals
to call, email or write officials to ask for an immediate end to Dr.
Al-Arian’s suffering.


1-The Department of Justice signed an agreement with Dr. Al-Arian in
April 2006, in which he was promised release and expedited deportation.

2-The U.S. government must end the Department of Justice’s abuse of
power by not pursuing any additional action against Dr. Al-Arian in
the form of grand jury subpoenas or new criminal charges.

3-Given Dr. Al-Arian’s hunger strike, which is on its 40th day, there
are serious concerns about his health. He should be allowed to be
released and rejoin his family for humanitarian reasons.

4- This case is closely watched all over the world. America’s public
image would be greatly enhanced, particularly in the Middle East and
Muslim world, if the government honored its promise to release Dr.

1. Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Immigration Field Office
Vincent Archibeque
Acting Field Office Director
2675 Prosperity Avenue
Fairfax, VA. 22031

Phone: 703-285-6200

2- Honorable Judge Gerald Lee
U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
401 Courthouse Square, Alexandria, VA 22314
Fax: (703) 299-3339

3- Attorney General Michael Mukasey
Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Fax Number: (202) 307-6777

E-mails to the Department of Justice, including the Attorney General,
may be sent to AskDOJ@usdoj.gov

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